10 March 2025
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  Research Projects

Research projects

Designing a national web-based medical education thesis database

Studying of Effects of training and integration of text-based medical ethics, knowledge, ideas and decision making ability of the entering class of 2008 Tabriz University of medical Sciences

Design of virtual laboratory of quantitive  analysis of caption

Study of morning quality in Sina and Emamreza hospital infection wards in point of students, residents and attends during next six month of 1389

A systematic review of pharmacy education research

Design, Performance and Assessment of multimedia educational package of applied anatomy

An Investigation into Radiation Protection acknowledgment and Editing Recommendation at the medical Radiation center of Tabriz University of medical Sciences

Ambulatory Care Situation Analysis in Imam Reza Education and Treatment Center - Tabriz

Analysis of Clinical Group Morning Report Sessions Quality- Medical Faculty, Tabriz University according to Residents

Design, implementation and evaluation of e-learning communication skills in medical education to close a half hour

Designing an effective evaluation model for teaching professional ethics in medical students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

Design, Formulation and evaluation of educational content for course of Evaluation of student achievement

The efficacy of an electronic versus lecture based educational intervention in Improving  interns knowledge related to advanced cardiopulmonary drug pharmacology

Evaluation of role of comprehensive model of reflection  on clinical learning of medical students in pediatric ward of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

The evaluation  of education by residents for decreasing preoperative anxiety of children (8-10 years old anesthesia candidates) from the perspectives of residents, parents and children.

Designing, preparation and  assessment of the  effects of multimedia educational package on improvement of learning and perception of anatomy of bones, vessels and veins of head and neck in medical student

Comparative study of theory and lab work in different departments of basic sciences of medical faculty  of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

Survey of professional skill among medical residents of  Tabriz University of Medical Sciences for breaking bad news

survey the perspectives of medicine professors and students about potential effects of proposed peer assisted learning and required circumstance to implement it, 1389

Efficiency of practical physical modalities administration teaching on physical medicine and rehabilitation residents ordering skills in year 1390

A qualitative study on patient- oriented decision making among specialist physicians in Tabriz-2011

Efficiency of  specific program of stress management in medical educator students, adaptability and quality of learning

Comparison multiple choice test to improve the quality of internal discipline, surgery, women and children in Tabriz, before and after the transfer of these tests to

The Establishment of Hospital Pharmacy Internship for Pharmacy Students

Implementing a new curriculum based on early exposure of medical students in basic science level In the course of the Parasitology Laboratory of Clinical Parasitology and assessment of students

A mixed method (Quantitative & Qualitative) study of the degree of adherence to the Iranian patient rights charter in the ambulatory centers of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

The comparison of sleep quality students failure whit students success

The stressing factors in clinical education: The viewpoints of medical students in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

Effectiveness of  Social Medicine  departments educational programs  in view  of   Medical doctors that working in the health fields in east Azaarbayjan

Surveys of Relationship between health course scores in medical faculty and routine  professional practice evaluation environment and the job satisfaction scores of general practitioners and their satisfaction in Tabriz Medical Sciences University

Survey and Compare plans and methods of students oriented education  of  different universities in  Tabriz  University of  Medical Sciences

nursing postgraduate and related options :a qualitative  study

nursing students perceptions regarding their  educational  environment  in medical-Surgical wards in  Tabriz  University of  Medical Sciences :Comparisons between expected environment and actual     environment

Comparative study of Implant Course in Residency curriculum in the Iranien Dental School

Fazy evaluation  lessons on base level of complexity, spiritual  matters and learning potential in students

Codification of educational ranking criteria’s  and indexes of  educational departments in medical faculty

The study of correspondence between classical university education and performance of radiology technologists

Integration of medical leadership and management into the undergraduate general medicine curriculum  of  Tabriz  University of  Medical Sciences  and health Services

Nurse Educators Perception of Nursing Knowledge Transfer on Personal and Organizational Level ,Iran University of Medical Science 2009-2010

Developing of the study guide of applied physiology and the evaluation of its effectiveness on dentistry students learning

Designing a national web- based medical education thesis database

Survey the effect of case –based study on the promotion of learning levels (cognitive and phychomotor)of pharmacy student of Tabriz in the primary training of cancer chemotherapy drugs at hospital pharmacy 2009

The socialization of nursing students to caring ,Tabriz and Urmia University of Medical Sciences

Effect of peer education on practical skills training of dental students in restorative preclinic

Issues and challenges in the education of Pharmacy Practice Experience and Pharmacy Practice Internship

The performance of student counseling system in faculty of pharmacy ,Tabriz university of medical sciences and investigation of students and academic members attitudes toward it

The evaluation of E-learning effect combine with traditional education in dental Students orthodontic skills progress

Portfolio construction for preliminary industrial training course in faculty of pharmacy, Tabriz University of medical sciences

studying the status of implementation of basic standards adopted by the School of Medicine in Tabriz

Evaluation of current status of outpatient education and its improvement proposal in Madani heart center

Assessment of commitment to medical professionalism principles among internal medicine residents in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences

Design and implementation of a virtual laboratory in statistics

Planning and performing of evidence base medicine (EBM) journal club methods in department of neurosurgery, Tabriz university of medical sciences

Course plan standardization, projection and implementation of objective structured field examination (OSFE) for pharmacy training course

Surveys of Relationship between health course scores in medical faculty and routine  professional practice evaluation environment and the job satisfaction scores of general practitioners and their satisfaction in Tabriz Medical Sciences University