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  Strategic planning of Education Development Center 2008-2011

Strategic planning of Education Development Center 2008-2011


This center is responsible for policy making,  conducting and evaluation education development programs. Medical Education Development Center leads educational system of the university toward continuous quality improvement & training competent human resources accordance with community needs.


The following are the mission of EDC.

-          Leading ,organizing, conducting & supervising educational planning with its emphasis on meeting the community needs.

-          Organizing, planning, conducting and supervising the development of the competency of the academic members in medical education.

-          Leading, conducting and supervising the new educational methods and quality development of medical education.

-          Leading, organizing, conducting and supervising the evaluation of academic members and teaching and learning processes.

-          Leading and supervising the process of the student assessment.

-          Leading and supervising activities in clinical skills unit of the university.

-          Leading, conducting and supervising the processes of identifying & supporting gifted & talented students.

-          Leading & supervising educational research projects with cooperation of medical education research center.

-          Leading and supervising the distance and electronic learning programs of the university.

-          Leading, organizing, facilitating, supervising and evaluating the educational scholarship activities based on regulations.    

-          Supervising the performance and organizing the activities of education development office.

-          Consenting the educational issues of the university

-          Consulting ,cooperating and organizing the continuing assessment programs of the university

-          Fostering medical education experts



The Medical Education Development Center of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences  is committed to becoming a national and regional leader among Education Development Centers, supporting educators’ efforts to develop learning environments in which all learners succeed .. These environments will be cooperative, interactive, and responsive to the needs of the community.


1. Students

2. Academic Members

3. EDC Staff

4. Chancellor of the Tabriz university Of medical Sciences

5.Vice chancellors of Tabriz university Of medical Sciences

6. Head  of The  faculties

7. Educational Deputies of the faculties

8. Other management offices of education deputy( postgraduate office, Continuous Medical Education,..)

9. Education Development Office of the faculties

10. Education Development Center of the ministry of health and medical education

11. Education Development Center of other universities


1. Honesty

2. Personal and professional development

3. Human dignity

4. Ethics

5. Innovation and dynamicity

6. Fostering creativity and abilities

7. Systematic thinking

8. participative management and team leadership

9. Evidence-based decision making

10.  customer-oriented

11. Social accountability


G1: development of postgraduate courses of medical education

G2: Development of empowerment programs for faculty members and students

G3: Quality improvement and development of educational programs' evaluation

G4:Quality improvement and development of faculty members' evaluation

G5: Qualitative and quantitative development of educational development activities

G6: Qualitative and quantitative development of students' educational activities

G7: Qualitative and quantitative development of university e-learning programs

G8: Development of  inter universities and international cooperation

G9: Development of educational research

G10: Development of community oriented and community based educational programs

G11: Revising of undergraduate and postgraduate programs

G12: Empowering EDC personnel